1 medium onion chopped
2 carrots or batons chopped
5 medium baby marrows sliced thickish
3 baby gem squash cut into quarters
Fresh garlic according to taste
1 tbsl dried origanum
3 patty pans cut into quarters
5 Banting chicken chipolata sausages (or any other Banting sausages of choice)
6 celery sticks chopped
2 tomatoes chopped
2 handfuls of baby spinach
1 handful of fresh chopped parsley
A good drizzle of olive oil
Himalayan salt and ground black pepper to taste
Vegetable stock – just enough to cover the vegetables (homemade stock is always a good choice)
Fry the onion and garlic in olive oil gently for a few minutes. Excepting for the baby spinach and sausages, add all the vegetables, origanum, salt and ground black pepper and mix well. Add stock and pressure cook for ten minutes.
In the meantime, fry your little sausages until cooked and then slice them up. Not too thin. When the vegetables have finished cooking and with your soup simmering, lid off, add the baby spinach. Stir and cook for a minute or two. Add the sliced sausage and turn off the heat. Your soup is ready to serve.
I used the trays of ready to use vegetables from Woolworths. The carrot/celery combination (1 tray), the gem squash/patty pan/baby marrow (2 trays). If you don’t have a pressure cooker, use a normal pot and cook your vegetables until they are soft. Ask your butcher or your supermarket’s butcher to make sausages for you without fillers. Mine is very accommodating. Vegetable quantities and choices are only guidelines. Add whatever vegetables you want to.