8 slices thin sandwich ham cut into small pieces
2 small onions/1 large cut in half and sliced very thinly
cracked black pepper
Himalayan salt
1 x 300g mascarpone
12 5ml cream
½ cup finely grated parmigiana
1 low carb pie crust (use my cheesecake pie crust)
5 free range eggs
1 tsp dry thyme
olive oil for cooking


Sauté the onions, pepper, salt and thyme in olive oil until the onions are soft and slightly caramelized. Turn the stove off. Add the ham to the cooked onions. Mix well. Beat the mascarpone, eggs, parmigiana and cream together. Put the onion and ham into the base of the pie crust and distribute evenly. Pour the egg mixture over the onion. Bake on 170° C for 50 minutes or until cooked and slightly brown.

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