260g Greek yogurt
3 eggs
160g erythritol
180g olive oil
320g fine almond flour
2 heaped tsps baking powder
1 orange juiced
2 oranges zested
I tsp vanilla extract
xylitol icing sugar for dusting the top (optional)



Add the yogurt, eggs, and erythritol into a large mixing bowl and whisk until well combined. Pour in the olive oil and whisk to combine.
Then add the flour in batches. Add the orange zest, orange juice, and vanilla extract and continue to whisk. Cover the bowl with a paper towel and rest for 15 minutes while you preheat the oven to 180°C.
Grease a bundt cake pan with cooking spray. Transfer the cake batter into the pan spreading it evenly with a spoon. Bang on the counter gently. Bake for 35 minutes or until the cake is completely set. Let cool completely before turning out and sprinkling with the xylitol icing sugar (not necessary).

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