500g cauliflower florets
500 ml fresh cream
125g cream cheese
3 tsps Dijon mustard
1½ cups grated cheddar cheese
1 tsp cracked black pepper
Herbamare/Himalayan salt to taste
2 tsps crushed garlic powder


Steam the cauliflower until tender. Grease a Pyrex dish and place the cooked cauliflower in it. Pour the cream into a pot with the cream cheese. Heat up the creams on a medium to low heat whisking once heated. If necessary, add some more cream cheese to thicken the sauce. Once the sauce is ready, add one cup of grated cheese and stir well until the cheese is melted. Add the pepper and a little salt. The cheese is salty so taste the sauce first before adding salt. Pour the cheese sauce over the cauliflower and mix gently. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top and bake on 200° C until golden brown. Serve as is or as a side with some lamb chops or other meat of choice.

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