500g beef fillet
250ml sour cream
1 white onion halved and thinly sliced
cream cheese
Health ‘O’ Mat/Himalayan salt to taste
2 tsps cracked blacked pepper
1 cup beef broth
butter for frying
olive oil for frying
1 punnet of sliced white mushrooms
2 heaped tsps Dijon mustard
Cut the fillet into 5 cm medallions. Mallet the medallions until they are thin and then slice into little strips. Fry them in a frying pan with butter and olive oil until slightly brown on a high heat. Remove the meat from the pan and add the onion, pepper and salt. Sauté for a few minutes until the onions are just starting to get soft. Add the mushrooms and mix well. Sauté until the mushrooms are almost cooked. Add the tub of cream and the mustard. Mix well. Add the broth to the pan and stir well. Start adding little blocks of cream cheese to thicken the mixture until a perfect creamy sauce is reached. Add the meat back to the pan and mix.